Tenants have many legislative obligations. Some of these are: they must keep a property reasonably clean, not use the premises for illegal purposes or sub-let to other tenants without permission.
However obligations also come with rights and one important one is ensuring the peace, privacy and quiet enjoyment of the rental property. Though nearly all landlords happily abide by this, there are from time to time some landlords who think differently. Here are some examples:
Coming to the property unannounced to pick fruit, access items in a locked area, access rainwater from a rainwater tank or even to do some gardening.
Looking over the fence to check on the lawns/garden condition, seeing how many cars are parked on the property and also taking photos.
Conducting #an inspection# or repairs on the property without due notice.
We must always understand that when a tenant pays rent, they are entitled to quite enjoyment of the property and landlords run the risk of penalties which include providing monetary compensation should a tribunal find that a tenant’s rights have been infringed upon in this regard.
