To ensure you achieve the most appropriate tenant for your rental property in the fastest period of time, it’s essential to place a clear focus on professional marketing – there are a large number of ways in which this can be achieved:
For rent signs: The property should have a for rent sign placed on the front fence. If there is no front fence, the ideal spot is outside the front windows, facing the street.
Rental Vacancy Listing: Listings noted on agency vacancy lists are ideal as they attract a high volume of interest.
Agency Website: Rent agency website listing.
Property Listing Websites: There are a number of common property listing sites. These can often generate large amounts of traffic from prospective tenants.
Photos: Photos provide a selling point for the property. It’s crucial to include a large number of them at a high quality. A good photo can encourage a prospective tenant to visit the property, while a bad photo can discourage a prospective tenant from visiting.
For rent flyer drops: Flyer drops of the prospective property in the surrounding suburb is ideal, but can be time consuming. An alternative to this, would see that relevant local groups requiring accommodation are contacted with up to date listings. For example, the hospital, local large employers and other varying community groups.
Newspaper advertising: Advertising in the local paper during a bulk advertisement day. It’s important to ensure the property address is noted to allow for interested parties to do a drive by.
Property Cleanliness: During the inspection, it’s important to show the property in an appropriate state. For example, ensure the toilet seat is always down at an open #inspection# to maintain a clean and tidy presentation of the property.