The ‘needs and wants’ of prospective tenants regarding property will differ depending on their circumstances.
For instance a female living on their own or a single mum may be more aware of security features and how they are exposed. Having a security screen door will provide security when opening the door to a stranger. A sensor light outside may make them feel more comfortable. Are the window treatments adequate to block out vision from the outside? Deadbolts on doors may provide extra security as will lockable devices on outside gates.
Do you have adequate heating and cooling? Are there extra things that could help to improve with efficiency, such as outside blinds to block out sunlight? Do you have adequate storage? Are there built in robes to bedrooms, an adequate pantry cupboard and a shed to accommodate bikes and gardening equipment?
Some things may seem minor to us but give peace of mind to a tenant and may not be too expensive to add. Be mindful and open to requests. Small things could make your property more desirable and more inviting for a long term tenant!
